Why Having the Right Data is Key to Achieving Industry 4.0

by | Jun 15, 2021 | News | 0 comments

From reducing errors to predicting trends, big data’s role in Industry 4.0 is integral, and quite simply, non-negotiable.

We’ve heard about Industry 4.0 for some time but in recent years, the technology has become more affordable and effective enough to make it a reality for more companies. There’s an increasingly clear ROI from technology spending, clearing a hurdle that in the past has held back many manufacturers from committing to a digital transformation.

Data and analytics are key for a more efficient, resilient, and sustainable future in manufacturing. But despite high ambitions, many manufacturers struggle to capture satisfactory value from data and analytics in manufacturing. In order to be more successful in data capture, manufacturers need to adopt technology that can make data standardized and available in one location, empowering manufacturing leaders, plant managers, process and data engineers and operators, by allowing them to explore their manufacturing and supply chain data within the context of their business.

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