Yard Operations
Yard Operations Software
Research shows that the yards with the most efficient operations are efficient because of a variety of factors, especially those about how people interact with the machines and equipment, and the flow of operational steps.
Most yards can’t automatically capture data around these interactions and flow with the automated analytics to determine its states to tell a complete story or lead to productivity improvement. The current manual processes of tracking truck activity, times and weights are slow, incomplete, and unreliable. GPS systems are unable to precisely track vehicles within a facility and cannot produce granular data on yard entry and exit, weigh stations, or loading/unloading docks.
Frequently, managers cannot figure out which truck is in the yard and at what location. In fact, they don’t have accurate or up to date data captured to tell their customers whether their trucks are stuck in their yard for loading or if they’re even in the yard at all.
Further, managers have no true visibility into how long a truck is taking in each of the loading and unloading zones nor, can they identify opportunities to reduce cycle time.
So what is the solution? Automate your entire yard operation with real time, digital feedback, gathered automatically and displayed simultaneously.
This visual stream of data is actionable intelligence delivered to your operational team in the same moment it’s captured allowing them to immediately intervene and resolve issues on the spot.
Actionable intelligence = increased productivity!

Let’s look at how ThinkIQ’s Yard Operation software works
A (Much) Better Way
ThinkIQ’s Yard Operations software exists to give everyone real-time reporting on critical activities and events in their yards. With ThinkIQ, decision makers are fed actionable intelligence in real time, enabling them to take immediate action to correct an operational issue and get back to full productivity.

Yard Operation Solutions
ThinkIQ’s Yard Operations Solution gives you the full picture — by measuring both machines and equipment (utilization) & people (efficiency), true productivity is captured for the first time.
ThinkIQ can deliver:
- Average truck cycle time inside facility
- Truck entrance and exit times including truck identification
- Actual visit time stamps sharable with your customers.
- Duration trucks wait to be unloaded after arrival
- Duration a loading dock was inactive while trucks were waiting in the yard
- Actual weights of truck loads and real time alters when trucks are overloaded

ThinkIQ’s sensor devices can be installed in minutes without the need for IT support, changes to existing processes, or downtime. Based on a few simple questions, we’ll begin learning about your operations and concentrate on your known weaknesses. As soon as the first week, you’ll be seeing new operational insights.
- The sensors watch and learn how to visually identify movement in the yard
- Computer vision tracks movement of vehicles in and out of the yard
- Sensors monitor equipment status without costly hardware or interfaces
- Outriggers connect automatically to manufacturing cloud to feed AI processes
- Actionable insights are delivered via situational composite analytics

eBook: Using Computer Vision to fill Manufacturing and Warehousing Blind Spots with Actionable Data
Download the eBook now and see how ThinkIQ can help to expand your business!
Improve Your Operational Efficiency Today
ThinkIQ solutions provide you the information you need to improve operations. This has historically been done through Management by Walking Around. Our customers typically discover insights and benefits within 10 days
Monitor load out cycle times and scale weights to rapidly identify problems

Understand and mitigate safety issues in your yard