by thinkiq | Mar 8, 2024 | Uncategorized
If you are an OT and IT leaders and practitioners (developers, architects, engineers) that have experience with software solutions in manufacturing then this workshop is for you. Please join CESMII and ThinkIQ for a Smart Manufacturing Systems Architecture...
by thinkiq | Feb 27, 2024 | Uncategorized
If you are an OT and IT leaders and practitioners (developers, architects, engineers) that have experience with software solutions in manufacturing then this workshop is for you. Please join CESMII and ThinkIQ for a Smart Manufacturing Systems Architecture...
by thinkiq | Nov 15, 2023 | Uncategorized
CESMII and USCAR announced the United States first roadmap for automotive smart manufacturing at the recent SouthTech show in Greenville, SC. According to the announcement: Read full post here...