What does Composite Analytics Really Mean?

What does Composite Analytics Really Mean?

Smart Manufacturing Much has been written about capturing a digital representation of operations in what is commonly known as Smart Manufacturing. Smart Manufacturing aims to use advanced computer controls and data to provide insights in how to best optimize...
How Companies Are Transforming Their Raw Data Into Raw Power

How Companies Are Transforming Their Raw Data Into Raw Power

How do we actually use massive amounts of raw data? Data – it’s everywhere. More than ever. The problem with this ever-expanding array of data is that it’s becoming increasingly overwhelming and difficult for organizations to manage, understand and effectively...
Process Improvement in the Age of Smart Manufacturing

Process Improvement in the Age of Smart Manufacturing

Process improvement projects have typically been a labor-intensive and imprecise process. Labor-intensive in that capturing the as-designed vs. the actual current-state process required facilitated meetings, interviews, surveys, and analyzing operational data over an...